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Mendacity @ the Connolly Theater NY and featured at the NY Film Festival 2023
written: Sarah Farrington
created and directed: Reid Farrington
choreographer: Laura K. Nicoll
production and lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
technical: Bill Kennedy
The Family Project by Cullen+Them @ New York Live Arts 2017
choreographer: Hannah Cullen
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
original score and sound design: Austin Guerrazzi
photos: Em Watson
BrandoCapote @ the Tank NYC 2019
written by: Sara Farrington
directed by: Reid Farringtion
choreography: Laura K. Nicoll
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
photos: Miguel Aviles
BodyCast @ Brooklyn Academy of Music
created and directed by Susanne Bocanegea and Paul Lazzar
performed by Francis McDormand
video designer: Josh Higgason
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
Sound Design: Jamie McElhinney
Alas the Nymphs @ Brooklyn Academy of Music
created and directed by: John Janke
set design by: Gordon Landenberger
video designer: Josh Higgason
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
costume design: Ramona Ponce
photos: Maria Barinova
CasablancaBox @ HERE Arts Center NY 2017
written by: Sara Farrignton
directed by: Reid Farrington
choreography: Laura K. Nicolle
set and video design: Reid Farrington
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
Inflatable Frankenstein by Radiohole @ The Kitchen NYC
created and directed by Eric Dyer
lighting by Laura Mroczkowski
sound by Aaron Harrow
featuring: Maggie Hoffman, Eric Dyer, Arron Harrow, Ryan Hossopple, Joseph Silovsky, and Erin Douglas
Little Dot @ St. Mark’s Church NY and the Tang Museum in Saratoga Springs, NY
created and directed by Suzanne Bocanegra
set design: Jim Findlay
sound design by: David Lang
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
Rerememberer; All the Threads premiered at Judson Memorial Church in New York City on January 17, 2009.
created and directed by: Suzanne Bocanegra
original performers were: weaver Gail Gondek, accordionist Frode Andersen, d.j. Ejnar Kanding
conductor and violin instructor: Todd Reynolds
underscore: David Lang
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
sound design: Greg Hanawalt
A Christmas Carol @ Multiple Venues
direction and video design: Reid Farrington
written by: Charles Dickens
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
Send for the Million Men @ HERE Arts Center NY 2018
created and directed by: Joseph Silovsky
performed by: Joseph Silovsky, Victor Morales, Catherine McRae
live music and sound design by: Cathrine McRae
video designer: Victor Morales
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
electronics design: Ryan Holsopple
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles World Tour 2010
created and directed by: Stephen Earnhardt
sets and puppets: Tom Lee
live music: Bora Yoon
video designer: Adam Larsen
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
sound design: Jane Shaw
Tyson vs. Ali @3Legged Dog NY
created and directed by: Reid Farrington
set design and video design: Simon
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
sound design: Marcelo Anez
photos: Dan Hurley
Jefferson’s Garden @ The Ford’s Theater Washington D.C. 2018
directed by: Nataki Garrett-Meyers
set design: Milagros Ponce de León
sound design: John Gromada
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
costume design: Ivania Stack
photos: Carol Rosegg
Sontag: Reborn (World Tour) by The Builders Association
directed by: Marianne Weems
video design: Austin Switser
lighting design: Laura Mroczkowski
set design: Josh Higgason
photos: James Gibbs
House/Divided (US Tour) by The Builders Association
directed by: Marianne Weems
lighting design: Jennifer Tiption & Laura Mroczkowski
set design: John Cleater & Neal Wilkinson
photos: James Gibbs
additional lighting designs: